KS (b.1982) born and raised in Hong Kong, is a self-taught artist.

He started doing graffiti in 1999, at the same time he started working as an illustrator and graphic designer. From 2007 on, he as been working on his unique portrait series of which had his first solo exhibition called “Random is Beautiful” in 2010. KS started an internet photography magazine “the-ideo”, and his personal artwork was exhibited at the “Day Job” group show in 2010.

In 2011 he took on the role of curator and co-organised “Art(UN)Fair” with 10 other creative organisations, which used bartering as a way to communicate with the audience. He has been creating nonstop, his most recent exhibition was in 2015 in which he exhibited his “Murky Landscape” series.

KS (生於1982)是土生土長的香港人,通過自學成為藝術家。

從1999年起,他就投身塗鴉,成為街頭藝術家,亦從事插畫工作和平面設計。2007年起,他開始創作獨具風格的人像畫系列,並於2010年舉辦了首個個展《Random Is Beautiful》。

他在網上成立《the-ideo》攝影雜誌,其作品亦於2010年在《DAY JOB》聯展中展出。


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2018 Festival Partners