Alexis Diaz is a Puerto Rican painter and urban muralist, known for his chimerical and dreamlike depictions of animals in a state of metamorphosis. Inhabited mostly by phantasmagorical animals, Alexis Diaz’s captivating murals are characterized by a very detailed technique and line-by-line precision. Diaz’s signature style is the use of tiny black brushstrokes on white to render his creatures, making them look like highly-detailed pen-and-ink drawings. These ‘drawings’ stand out all the more for being set against their bright teal, blue, and sunset-colored backdrops. He has a preference for wild animals, in general, more specifically those living in the Savannah, as he blends them in a fantastical image with creatures from the depths of the oceans, replaces paws with tentacles and wings with hands.

Alexis Diaz是波多黎各的一位畫家及都市壁畫家,因描繪出荒誕夢幻的變形動物而聞名。以變幻無常的動物為主要題材,Alexis Diaz對細節的勾勒技藝高超,線條的運用亦十分精準,作品奪人眼球。Diaz的標誌性風格,是使用極幼細的黑色筆觸,在白色背景之上描繪動物,看上去有如高度精細的鋼筆畫。畫作在淺青色、藍色及日暮之色的背幕之上,顯得尤為出彩。他偏愛畫野生動物,尤其是生活在熱帶草原之上的棲息者。而他又大膽發揮想像,在畫中融入深海生物的元素,或是將腳爪替換成觸鬚,又或是把雙翼化作雙手。

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