Heavily influenced by the western Wildstyle street art, DEBE’s creative career started in 2005, starting only with spray paint experiments of his English name. The experiments showed many colorful results, as well as contrast, and structural balance. Eventually his artwork evolved, and became more intricate with the handling of multimedia.In 2008, DEBE founded TWO MUCH Artwork Studio ,DEBE began to combine scribbles with tattoo art, creating a diverse aspect of scribbling. DEBE is now a full time artist, and is often invited to showcases everywhere, cooperation with store brands, in addition, lectures in contribution to promote street art culture in Taiwan, in hopes of expressing himself through his art.

Artist DEBE believes graffiti best expresses the freedom in living. Graffiti takes away the rules and the limits in traditional drawing, defining the creator’s freedom of thoughts.’normal’ forms are transformed into abstract concept, conveying the sense of moment in time. Seemingly unruly and complicated movements are just the arrangements of elements. With the spray can in hand, through the actions of colors and lines, DEBE captures the splendor of city life, crystalizing his mind that came to fruition with graffiti.


2005年,深受美式塗鴉狂野風格(Wild Style)影響的DEBE,試著以噴漆繪製他的英文名字,從此展開了創作生涯。他的作品色彩豐富、對比強烈、結構平衡。之後其作品一路發展,在他開始運用多種材料進行創作之後,變得更為細膩。2008年,DEBE創立TWO MUCH Artwork Studio,開始融入紋身藝術,並開創了一種與別不同的塗鴉風格。DEBE現專職於藝術創作,經常受邀至各地展覽、與品牌合作,以及演講教學,致力推廣台灣街頭藝術及文化,希望透過藝術表達他內心的想法。


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