Candy Bird, née Han Chun-Yueh, is a Taiwanese street artist whose works of art are hidden on the corners of the streets, ruins or private spaces in various places in Taiwan. His murals showcase the relationship between people, and focuses on history, memory, social groups and experiences. Candy Bird’s street art can be encountered not only locally but also worldwide. With Taiwan as a starting point, his international portfolio has been expanding rapidly and taking on a perspective of how to make the world a better place. He has tagged decrepit concrete facades and left local history based murals in Beijing and Berlin, he has reflected the unattainable enduring peace on the seaside in Okinawa and a community in São Paulo, Brazil, he has also completed the murals, decorated classrooms and houses together with children at the orphanages in Myanmar.

Candy Bird expands street art, also the possibilities and boundaries of mural painting, and aspires to create representative street art of Asian artists. He has an instinctive understanding of how best to utilize his chosen space and objects, whether it is a mottled brick wall or a transformer box, everything can be incorporated in his creation, and his works, through imagination, can even be integrated into the environment. Candy Bird’s main worry and concern about the humanity is the neglected value system that he aims to express in his works. He uses transformed images to present his notions of life fading away with time, thus hoping to connect with the other through the artworks. His murals remain present in the city and society for a certain period of time, which allows the audience to recall and think about the relationship between people.


在台灣多處的街道轉角、廢墟或私人空間,經常可見Candy Bird(糖果鳥,台灣街頭藝術家,真名Han Chun-Yueh)的作品。他的壁畫體現人際關係,聚焦歷史、回憶、社群及經歷。以台灣為起點,Candy Bird的藝術創作迅速席捲全球,讓觀者從他的視覺體會「如何讓世界變得更美好」。在北京及柏林,他曾在破舊的石屎門上塗鴉,亦曾以當地歷史為主題創作壁畫;在沖繩的海邊及巴西聖保羅的社區,他曾留下無與倫比的藝術創作;他更曾到訪緬甸的孤兒院,與小朋友一同創作壁畫、裝飾班房及住屋。


Candy Bird不但傳揚了街頭藝術,亦傳達了壁畫創作無限的可能性及創作界限。他期望能成為亞洲街頭藝術的代表人物。對於如何充分利用選擇的空間及物件,Candy Bird有獨特的理解,無論是斑駁的磚牆或是電箱,一切都能融入他的創作之中。只要加多一點想象力,他的作品更能成為周圍環境中的一部分。Candy Bird對社會最主要的憂慮及關注,是被忽略的價值觀,正是他想透過作品表達的信息。他把生活中隨時間消逝的觀念改變形態,表現在作品中,期望能連接過去及現在。他的壁畫留在城市中一段時間,讓公眾有機會觀賞,並重新思考人與人之間的關係。

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