Pavel Mrkus is an audiovisual artist who makes use of digital moving images and sound often concerning specific space. He graduated from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. His later study of Religious Studies at the Charles University in Prague together with experience of four years teaching position at Toyama City Institute of Glass Art in Japan lead him to unique mixture of cultural paradigms within his work. Since 2023 he is also active as a head curator of Signal Festival in Prague.

Pavel Mrkus 是一位視聽藝術家,他經常運用數位動態影像和聲音來表現特定的空間。他畢業於布拉格藝術、建築與設計學院。隨後在布拉格查爾斯大學修讀宗教研究,結合在日本富山市玻璃造形研究所四年的教學經驗,使他在作品中展現獨特的融合文化思維方式。自 2023 年起,他還擔任布拉格 Signal Festival 的首席策展人。