Conversations: If These Walls Could Talk…


Title: If These Walls Could Talk…

Host: David Roos

Panel: Hera, Nut

The recent explosion of moralism around the world has, arguably, established itself as the most dominant form of modern street art. As the walls get bigger and money floods the scene, what does this mean to the authenticity of the culture and the communities the artwork exists within? STRAAT Museum’s David Roos interviews two artists from two different parts of the world to hear their perspectives about the future of murals.


主持:David Roos

小組成員: Hera, Nut

最近在世界各地對道德主義的爆炸性關注可以說已經主導了現代街頭藝術。 隨著壁畫變得越來越大型以及金錢不斷地湧進場,這樣究竟對作品真實所在的文化和社區意味著什麼? STRAAT 博物館的 David Roos 將會採訪來自世界兩位不同地區的藝術家,聆聽他們對壁畫藝術的未來發展有甚麼看法。