Marco Burresi is Italian street artist who is better known in art world as Zed1. Born 1977 in Florence Tuscany, ZED1 started painting walls about 20 years ago and is best known for his murals of egg headed humans and curious critters that have decked walls from Amsterdam to New York. Versatile artist manages to pass with ease from the wall to canvas, from graphic design to that for major clothing brands. His work stands out with a unique and provocative interpretation of forms and an enchanting and sometimes melancholy color palate. With wise use of the spraying technique, given a well-founded experience, ZED1 is able to obtain harmonious shades as if they were watercolors, his technique can be sudden, splashed, unfinished, as well as precisely attentive to detail. His characters are found to have strands of hair perfectly defined and texture decorative in their clothes. Marco’s recent portfolio is populated by puppets, elves, clowns and imaginary characters.

Marco Burresi 是意大利街頭藝術家,在藝術界更為人熟知的名字是 ZED1。 ZED1 於 1977 年出生於佛羅倫薩托斯卡納,大約 在20 年前開始畫牆,最著名的是他的蛋頭人和小動物壁畫,這些壁畫裝飾著從阿姆斯特丹到紐約的牆壁。他的作品以獨特形式去詮釋迷人憂鬱的色彩因而脫穎而出。 Marco 最近的作品中充滿了木偶、精靈、小丑和可以比作童話故事中的虛構角色;憂鬱和反思是他所描繪的氣氛中的主角。