After graduating from the school of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong, TIMARK (Timmy Lee) started his career as an illustrator. He did commission projects for different brands, such as AdidasHK. He also did illustrations for local hip hop artists, like Sam Lee and Anson Poon. Being heavily inspired by skateboarding, streetwear and hip hop culture, TIMARK’s art style combines street art and his own perspective on life. His works always come with funky characters, vibrant colours and a sense of humour. It gives the audience a bazaar yet warming feeling. Through creating monsters in his drawings, he projects part of himself into his work. Jody The Lover Boy is the first character TIMARK put into toys. Jody represents the insecure, lost but yet loving part of himself.

於香港城市大學多媒體學院學士畢業後,TIMARK成為一位插畫師,曾經與不同品牌合作,例如 AdidasHK等。亦曾為不同本地音樂人創作插畫,如李璨琛與潘宇謙等。 受到滑板、街頭穿搭和嘻嘻流行文化的啟發,TIMARK的作品混合了街頭文化與他細微的人間觀察,創作出一幅又一幅充滿天馬行空角色,鮮明色調和滑稽有趣的畫作。帶出光怪陸離但又溫馨有趣的感覺。 TIMARK透過幽默有動感的角色,將自己於畫作中投射出來。Jody The Lover Boy 是他第一個玩具化的角色。Jody代表著他不安,迷失但又對身邊事物充滿愛的一部分。