Demsky started his creative journey immersed in the graffiti boom of the early 90s. Still obsessed with twisting the morphology of his name in multiple, unconventional shapes, Demsky has been travelled and sprayed his way through more than 50 countries.

Being a self-taught, his artistic influences are rooted in the graffiti movement, the fluor era and his current nostalgia around the late 80s and early 90s, although nowadays these are expanding also towards obtaining a balanced mix between future and nostalgia, radical creativity and exact sciences.

As a kid he used to spend his time playing arcade games and watching Japanese mecha and sci-fi movies in VHS mode.

Now Demsky feels eager to expand his artistic output and develop new concepts in his studio work – a new approach to develop a more conceptual side where he tries to bring new artforms around the interconnected relationship of space and time array with a strong focus on finding the glitch and animating static compositions.


Demsky 在 90 年代初的塗鴉熱潮中開始了他的創作之旅。 Demsky 仍然迷於將他的名字形態扭曲成多種非常規的形狀,他已經曾在 50 多個國家塗鴉。

作為一個自學成才的人,他的藝術影響植根於塗鴉運動、熒光時代和他目前對 80 年代末和 90 年代初的情懷,儘管如今這些影響也在擴大,並在未來與懷舊、急進的創造力和科學之間取平行。

小時候,他經常玩街機遊戲,用 VHS 模式看日本機甲和科幻電影。

現在,Demsky 渴望在他的作品中擴展他的藝術貢獻並開發新概念——一種開發更具概念性的新方法,他試圖圍繞空間和時間陣列的相互關聯帶來嶄新的藝術形式,並著重於尋找波形干擾和動畫靜態組合。